2024 Award Winners

Best Overall Presentation Edward Valstar Award: Marie Fridberg

Best Clinical NI Oral Presentation: Emil Toft Petersen

Best Biomaterials and Biomechanics NI Oral Presentation: Maximilian Heumann

Best Biology NI Oral Presentation: Zeyneb Bal

Best Clinical NI Poster Presentation: Yu-Han Lin

Best Biomaterials and Biomechanics NI Poster Presentation: Daniele D' Arrigo

Best Biology NI Poster Presentation: Christian Lind Nielsen

New Investigators Special Award: Nazarin Daneshvarhashjin

2023 Award Winners

Best Overall Presentation Edward Valstar Award: Ivan Zderic

Best Clinical NI Oral Presentation: Simone Castagno

Best Biomaterials and Biomechanics NI Oral Presentation: Daniele Ghezzi

Best Biology NI Oral Presentation: Veronica Tilotta

Best Clinical NI Poster Presentation: Jamet Manon

Best Biomaterials and Biomechanics NI Poster Presentation: Morena Francesca Fiordalisi

Best Biology NI Poster Presentation: Gundula Rösch

2022 Award Winners

Best Overall Presentation Edward Valstar Award:  Marco Chitto

EORS New Investigator Oral Presentation Session Prize: Allison Tolgyesi

Best Biology NI Oral Presentation: Luca Ambrosio

Best Biology NI Poster Presentation: Vanessa Sharp

Best Biomechanics NI Oral Presentation: Marissa Britton

Best Biomechanics NI Poster Presentation. Genna E: Monahan

Best Clinical NI Oral Presentation: Thomas Edwards

2021 Award Winners

Best Overall Oral Presentation – Edward R. Valstar Award: Emmanuel Maheu

Best Biomechanics YI Oral Presentation: Genna Monahan

Best Clinics YI Oral Presentation: Ramy Khojaly

Best Biology YI Oral Presentation: Veronica Tilotta

Best Biomechanics YI Poster: Sara Hassouna Elsayed 

Best Clinics YI Poster: Yoav Zvi

Best Biology YI Poster: Alexander Williamson

2020 Award Winners

Best Overall Oral Presentation – Edward R. Valstar Award: Anna Woloszyk

Best Biomechanics YI Oral Presentation: Cemre Su Kaya

Best Clinics YI Oral Presentation: Darshan S. Shah

Best Overall Poster: Raúl Vallejos

2019 Award Winners

Best Overall Poster: Ji-Hoon Nam and Yong-Gon Koh (Korea)

Best Biomechanics YI Poster: Lukasz Lapaj (Polen)

Best Clinics YI Poster: Lina Niessen (Germany)

Best Biology YI Poster: Mirella Haartmans (the Netherlands)

Best Overall Oral Presentation – Edward R. Valstar Award: Elisa Zwerus (the Netherlands)

Best Biomechanics YI Oral Presentation: Alexander Meynen (Belgium)

Best Clinics YI Oral Presentation: Ryo Tazawa (Japan)

Best Biology YI Oral Presentation: Janine Luckgen (Germany)

2017 Award Winners

Best Overall Poster Presentation: Marloes Peters

Best Biomechanics Young Investigator Poster Presentation: Thomas Frydendal

Best Clinics Young Investigator Poster Presentation: Fanny Loth

Best Biology Young Investigator Poster Presentation: Kazuaki Morizane

Best Overall Oral Presentation - Edward R. Valstar Award: Luke Western

Best Biomechanics Young Investigator Oral Presentation: Julien Favre & Hugo Babel

Best Clinics Young Investigator Oral Presentation: Daniel Pfeufer

Best Biology Young Investigator Oral Presentation: Yvonne Hägele

2014 Award Winners

Best poster – Biomechanics

Laurent WILLEMOT, Shoulder instability follower mechanism

Best poster – Biology

Fiona LE PAPE, Evaluation of the contribution of a marine hemoglobin in the culture of MSC in two and three-dimensional scaffold 

Best poster – Clinical

Gemma GREEN, Abbreviated mental test score as a guide for patient consenting and predicting mortality after orthopaedic surgery: a need for re-look

Best poster – Overall

Mark PEARSON, The identification of differentially expressed long intergenic non-codingRNAs in knee osteoarthritis cartilage 

Best oral – Biomechanics

Stijn Bolink, Patient reported outcome measures vs. Performance based inertial measures

Best oral – Biology

Frank SCHULZE, Influence of Metal-on-Metal hip endoprosthesis wear particles and ions on mesenchymalstromal cells and osteoblasts: an in vitro and in vivo study

Best oral – Clinical

Maria STEFANOU, Long term radiological assessment of achondroplastic patients who have undergone lowerlimb lengthening using the Ilizarovmethod

Best oral – Overall

Claudia LOEBEL, A mechanical tunable Hyaluronan hydrogel for endochondral bone tissue engineering

2013 Award Winners


NORIKO HARADA, Novel application of mesenchymal stem cell-derived chondrocytes (MSC-DCs) for bone re generation, Tokyo - Japan


YASUAKI YAMAKAWA, Combined effect of zoledronic acid and telomerase specific oncolytic virotherapy for human osteosarcoma cells, Okayama, Tokyo – Japan

ICORS AWARD for transcontinental collaboration

FILIPPO BORIANI, R. Urso, M. Fell, A. UI Haq, U. Khan, Combined orthoplastic approach to open tibial fractures: a prospective multicentric study, Bologna – Italy, Bristol – United Kingdom, Lahore - Pakistan

Young Investigator - Best Oral - Biology

JANICE LAI, Stem cells catalyze cartilage formation by neonatal articular chondrocytes, Standford – USA

Young Investigator - Best Oral Clinical

METTE H. HJORTH, Good fixation of large-head metal-metal hip arthroplasty and no correlation to metal ion levels. A 5 years RSA study, Aarhus – Denmark

Young Investigator - Best Oral Engineering

ANTONY B. FRANCIS, Novel methodology for assessing cement injection behaviour in vertebroplasty, Leeds – United Kingdom

Young Investigator - Best Poster Clinical

RYO SUGAMA, Image free navigation system reduces leg length discrepancy in total hip arthoplasty, Osaka - Japan

Young Investigator - Best Poster Biology

HISASHI SUGAYA, Fate of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 24 weeks after autologous transplantation into a rabbit osteonecrosis model, Tsukuba - Japan

Young Investigator - Best Poster Engineering

ENRICO SCHILEO, FE-based strength estimation for proximal femur fracture prediction, a case-control study, Bologna- Italy, Kopavogur - Iceland

EORS 2012 Award Winners



Marjolein Caron for “BMP-2 and BMP-7: Differential Regulation of Chondrogenic Differentiation”

Jantine Posthuma de Boer for “Surface proteomic analysis of osteosarcoma identifies EPHA2 as receptor for targeted drug delivery”


Florence de Groot for “Lumbar Posterolateral Spinal Fusion with a Collagen/TCP Scaffold in an Ovine Model”

Young Investigator

Luigi Aurelio Nasto for “Inhibition of NF-kB activation delays the onset of age-dependent spinal degeneration in a murine model of human progeria”



Denis Dufrane for “A 3-Dimensional osteogenic-like structure from human autologous adipose mesenchymal stem cells: Reproducibility, Genetic stability, clinical safety/efficacy”

Young Investigator

Napur Kohli for “A comparison of mesenchymal stem cell incorporation and growth in 3 dimensional scaffolds with potential for osteochondral tissue repair”