ICORS Travel Grant to Europe by EORS



A major purpose of ICORS as a union of research societies and EORS as one its members is the creation and promotion of educational benefits and networking opportunities for its individual members. Traveling abroad to study and practice orthopaedic research is one of the most intense and rewarding educational and networking experiences.

The ICORS Travel grant aims to support such travel experiences for visitors from outside the sponsor’s regional homeground, in the case of EORS from outside Europe.

The ICORS Travel Grant to Europe by EORS will be awarded once a year. The winner will receive financial support to visit a participating Institution for study purposes.

Benefits & Conditions

Travel to work and study at a European host institution from outside Europe.

Duration of exchange: 4 weeks

Funding: € 2000

Host institution has at least one EORS member

Summary report required

Travel experience should ideally lead to joint collaboration

Travel should take place within max. 12 months from application


Application Form

Curriculum vitae

Motivation letter


Work & study plan

Written agreement between applicant and host institution

Deadline 31 December 2024

Digital submission to EORS central office: awards@eors.info


Applications are reviewed by a jury comprising members from ICORS steering committee and EORS

Notification within 4 weeks